Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Easter 2011

This Easter the kids got a special treat - Nana and Grandpa were here! They had a great time with them. Mimi and Popeye also came over for all of us to go to church together, then we came back to the house for Easter Dinner.

Loving on his new puppy the Easter Bunny brought him. Kelsey getting some love from Grandpa in the background.

She's "Pettie". Always fishing for compliments! :)

Her pretty new hat from Nana and Grandpa!

Being a ham just before we left for church.

Big Mac and Little Mac.

Popeye with Baby Girl.

One of the few times they're being sweet to each other.


The Barkers!

The kids with all 4 Grandparents. They weren't spoiled at all that weekend. :)

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