Saturday, October 18, 2008

Boo at the Zoo

Tonight we headed to Zoo Atlanta for "Boo at the Zoo". A portion of the zoo was open, and they had it decorated for Halloween for younger kids. It was absolutely packed, but a good time. Mac's costume started out on, but quickly came off. I'm sorry these pics are out of order, I'm going to try to fix them tomorrow.

Aunt Holly with cousin Will
A distant relative of Todd's.
So much excitement on the pandas!
Mimi and cousin Sarah Beth
Popeye with his arms full.

The nice lady loaned him her panda ears for a quick shot.

Waaaaaaaaaaay up close shot.
Popeye helping Will trick-or-treat.
Some fun trick-or-treating at the zoo.

Not quite sure what he's supposed to be, but we got a pic, anyway.

2 Super Cute Cousins!
Will with his sucker

Clifford the Big Red Dog

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