We are proud to announce the arrival of Kelsey Elizabeth Barker, born on May 27th at 4:48 pm. She was 8 lbs, 6 oz, and 20 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful, but we are a little biased. Big brother Mac is so proud of her, and handling his transition very smoothly. For that, Todd and I are extremely grateful.
Holding daddy's finger.
Mac really getting his first good look at Kelsey.
Such a proud big brother!
Susan getting her turn to hold her.
Kelsey getting her bath.
She may as well get used to the camera being in her face.
Proud Daddy for the 2nd time!
Popeye getting a good look.
Grandpa getting his turn.
Nana and Grandpa helping Mac get another look.
Daddy with his 2 biggest loves. The Steelers are having to take a backseat. :o)