Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mac's School Birthday Party

We took cupcakes to the Birthday Boy's class today to celebrate him turning 2! My how time flies!!


Addison, Alex, and Sydney



This is my favorite!
Andrew and Matthew in the background

Him crying when we left him there....

Mac's 2nd Birthday Party

We celebrated Mac's 2nd birthday Saturday, and he wasn't quite sure what all to think!

Blowing out the candle....he got so close we all thought he burned his lip!
In his cute Pirate sun hat

Everyone watching him open presents....
Sarah Beth and Katie giving a helping hand

He started to get the hang of it.
Aunt Holly showing him how the super cool Blue Dog works. Rooney doesn't care for him too much.
Abby's turn to help him out

Trying his Smart Cycle out for the 1st time with lots of help

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Children's Museum

Nana and Grandpa came into town to celebrate Mac turning 2 . We all went down to the Children's Museum and had a good time. I'll be posting his b-day party pictures tomorrow!

Getting some help from Nana on learning to fish.

Loving the train!

How many Barker Men does it take to build a sandcastle?

His finished artwork....we will sell to the highest bidder.

Family Picture Christmas Night

We wanted to share our first family picture in quite some time. We keep meaning to ask someone to get one, and then we both forget. This was Christmas Night at Doug & Holly's.