Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our Newest Addition

Meet Rooney.....our new Beagle. We picked him up today from a shelter in Cartersville. We played with him for about 2 hours to ensure he was the dog for us. He's skittish, however, he's handled Mac VERY well and has passed all the tests of pushing, tugging, yanking, poking, and most importantly - he doesn't flinch when Mac screams. He seems like he's going to be a great dog for us, and we're very excited to have him. He is currently asleep on Cocoa's old bed we pulled out. When Mac fed him treats he would just start laughing! I think these two will be best buds.
The name comes from the Steelers - the family that owns them are the Rooney's. You knew there had to be some relation.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mac's Current Favorite Pastime

He is his Father's Son.....

There's GOT to be a good song on the radio somewhere.....

BEEP! BEEP!! Get out of my way!! Impatient toddler coming thru!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Last Day at Tumbling Class

Today was the last day of Mac's tumbling class. He always enjoyed it, so we may put him back in in a few weeks, once things settle down with us. We remembered the camera today so we can share!
Helping put the balls away

Our future Steeler!
This is when the parents pull the parachute up the kids can run under it. Mac is usually the first one fear.
All the kids get in the center of the parachute while the parents walk around in a circle....he always loves this. Practicing his forward roll